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Lateasha “Shuntel” Hall was a beloved member of Atlanta’s LGBT community. Shuntel was known for her kind heart and highly elaborate nail art. Lateasha Shuntel, a staple in the Atlanta, Georgia drag scene, was beloved by many and her passing has sparked an outpour of emotional reactions. Collected tips will help launch a foundation in her name (Lateasha Hall Foundation) for other transgender Atlantans. Surrounded by family, friends and fans it was a celebration of Lateasha’s extraordinary life with tribute performances and shared memories about her. Lateasha Shante Shuntel a celebration of life tribute at Blake's On The Park - Cell Block Sunday, the weekly show formerly hosted by The Ghetto Goddess of Midtown Atlanta “Lateasha Shante Shuntel” (45), who was discovered dead inside her Doraville home on November 18th, 2015.

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